Kee Gan – Brexit creates opportunities in UK property
17 Nov 2020
Kee explains how property assets with yields of 7-9% are being found across the UK as Brexit fears have reduced competition for certain assets. Kee also covers the UK election and what it means for their property market. L1 UK Residential Property Funds focus on assets with purchase prices of £3-10m a bracket that is separate to that of large institutions who typically target assets of greater value. The fund invests in tier one cities outside of London and South-East England where valuations are only now reaching the same levels as ’07. Competition in the UK is further reduced as banks are limited in their ability to invest in similar assets, in part due to the EU Mortgage Market Review. Kee mentions that tighter lending controls have meant that 68% of individuals in the UK that are renting don’t own a home because they can’t afford the deposit.
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